Setting itself apart from offshore hosting providers that wanted but couldn’t give you all you need, AbeloHost was born. Since 2012, our team of experts has been providing hosting solutions that are reliable, affordable and practical to be used for years to come. With world-class security concepts, the latest Intel processors and customization options, no business is too big or too small for us. The best part? In accordance with Dutch law, all the data will be safe and sound; apart from state-of-the-art equipment, we offer complete privacy without monitoring.
Introducing AbeloHost
March, 2019
10,000 clients reached
Now that we have reached 10,000 clients, who knows what’s next? We aim to continue supporting our clients with web hosting plans that deliver the right results.

January, 2019
Free Technical Support
We started offering free technical support and acceleration services. That has allowed us to spread our reach further and provide our clients with 100% satisfying results and completely optimized websites.
June, 2017
Grown to Amsterdam
We decided to make Amsterdam our main location by moving our servers there. That proved to be the right move for our company; we were able to boost our productivity and ensure there’s enough space for us to expand our business.
September, 2016
5,000 Domains
We reached 5,000 registered domains and unlocked yet another achievement. More and more clients were starting to put their trust in us and our services.
February, 2013
The Beginning
We launched AbeloHost in 2013, so what was once a dream finally became a reality. Offering affordability, reliability, and speed, this was when all our plans were put into motion.
Meet Our Team
Emre Kılıç
Team Supervisor
The right way to supervise a team of highly skilled professionals — use a Pixar catchphrase and hope for the best.
Michiel Ruiterweg
Sales Manager
Yes, I just love listening to your personal life story in Live-chat. Makes me think I’m a psychologist and not a sales person.
Alexei Glukhov
Senior Network Security Engineer
I make sure that the company’s internal networks are protected and your data secure.
Filip Gromek
On-Site Engineer
You can find me at the datacenter, maintaining AbeloHost’s servers and assisting in “in person” IT solutions.
Jacek Wiśniewski
Network Systems Administrator
I manage Abelohost’s computer systems – monitoring networks, servers, and other communication systems.
Marlijn van Hoof
Senior Website Developer
I aim to give websites that “wow” effect so that it looks and navigates better than your competitors’ websites.
Serge Novikov
Customer Service Provider
At Abelohost, customer service is not a department but the entire company. I’m usually your first point of contact.
Dennis Blom
Software Engineer
Show me the code and I’ll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Piotr Kamiński
Technical Support Provider
Anyone who thinks “the customer is always right” never worked in tech support.
Linda Hoek
Night Customer Service Provider
At night, you can expect vampires, and me, Linda.
Thomas Heeneman
Night Technical Support Provider
My purpose is to help you sleep better at night knowing that I’ll fix your technical problems.